New Delhi. Recently, Varun Dhawan Came to Delhi to promote his upcoming movie Baby John. The event was held at The Imperial Hotel, New Delhi. Directed by Kalees, the film is set to hit theaters on 25th December 2024
The film's trailer gives a preview of Baby John's world, which is a perfect combination of action, entertainment, humor, and foot-tapping tracks. The legendary S. Thaman’s music and background score take the trailer to another level, leaving audiences wanting more.
Varun Dhawan, shares “I’m beyond thrilled to be a part of Baby John. This film is a deeply emotional and powerful journey, and it’s been an incredible experience bringing this character to life. The trailer offers just a glimpse of this story's intensity and heart, and I can’t wait for the audience to witness it on the big screen. Working on this project has been truly special, and I’m so excited to share it with everyone.”
Produced by Murad Khetani, Priya Atlee, and Jyoti Deshpande, Baby John is a big cinematic spectacle you cannot miss.
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